/BCO-DMO/Effluents_Coastal_Ecol/sediment_organisms --date_Fieldtrip eq Nov_2016-- Level 1

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#   benethic macrofauna and plastic counts in sediment
#   Carlsbad Desalination Plant, CA 2014-2016
#   A. Paytan, K. L. Petersen (UCSC)
#   version: 2017-10-04
#   Note: Benthic organisms counted in collected sediment; NA = not available (no data)
year  date_Fieldtrip  
2016  Nov_2016        
Site      Station  Latitude   Longitude    individ_kg_sed  plastic_kg_sed  
Intake    150      33.143917  -117.345717  22.6            9.7             
Intake    175      33.143809  -117.345942  24.1            5.6             
Intake    200      33.143633  -117.346150  38.6            11.6            
Intake    600      33.141417  -117.349517  106.4           28.4            
Intake    1000     33.139200  -117.352950  35.4            16.7            
Middle    400      33.140067  -117.346217  34.1            4.5             
Outflow   100      33.138044  -117.341605  56.8            14.8            
Outflow   150      33.138017  -117.342750  57.6            8.2             
Outflow   175      33.137963  -117.342932  68.6            5.9             
Outflow   225      NA         NA           58.0            11.6            
Outflow   250      33.137917  -117.343267  34.4            6.3             
Outflow   300      33.137650  -117.344250  34.2            0.0             
Outflow   600      33.136733  -117.347267  44.7            7.9             
Outflow   1000     33.135567  -117.351333  11.5            5.8             
Parallel  5        33.140140  -117.344390  18.0            4.9